AdjustTaxRequest.class.php Data to pass to TaxServiceSoap#adjustTax.
AdjustTaxResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxServiceSoap#getTax.
ApplyPaymentRequest.class.php ApplyPaymentRequest.class.php
BoundaryLevel.class.php Jurisdiction boundary precision level found for address; This depends on the accuracy of the address as well as the precision level of the state provided jurisdiction boundaries.
CancelCode.class.php A cancel code is set on a CancelTaxRequest and specifies the reason the tax calculation is being canceled (or in the case of posting, returned to its prior state).
CancelTaxRequest.class.php Data to pass to CancelTax indicating the document that should be cancelled and the reason for the operation.
A document can be indicated solely by the DocId if it is known. Otherwise the request must specify all of CompanyCode, DocCode, and DocType in order to uniquely identify the document.
CancelTaxResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxSvcSoap#cancelTax
CommitTaxRequest.class.php Data to pass to TaxServiceSoap#commitTax.
A document can be indicated solely by the CommitTaxRequest#DocId if it is known. Otherwise the request must specify all of CommitTaxRequest#CompanyCode, CommitTaxRequest#DocCode, and CommitTaxRequest#tDocType in order to uniquely identify the document.
CommitTaxResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxServiceSoap#commitTax.
DetailLevel.class.php Specifies the level of tax detail to return to the client application following a tax calculation.
DocStatus.class.php The document's status is returned in the GetTaxResult (except for DocStatus::$Any) and indicates the state of the document in tax history.
DocumentType.class.php The document type specifies the category of the document and affects how the document is treated after a tax calculation. Specified when constructing a GetTaxRequest.
GetTaxHistoryRequest.class.php Data to pass to TaxServiceSoap#getTaxHistory.
The request must specify all of CompanyCode, DocCode, and DocType in order to uniquely identify the document.
GetTaxHistoryResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxServiceSoap#getTaxHistory for a previously calculated tax document.
GetTaxRequest.class.php Data to pass to TaxServiceSoap#getTax.
GetTaxResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxServiceSoap#getTax.
JurisdictionType.class.php A Jurisdiction Type describes the jurisdiction for which a particular tax is applied to a document. Jurisdiction is determined by the GetTaxRequest::getDestinationAddress or GetTaxRequest::getOriginAddress of a GetTaxRequest. Multiple jurisdictions might be applied to a single Line during a tax calcuation. Details are available in the TaxDetail of the GetTaxResult.
Line.class.php A single line within a document containing data used for calculating tax.
PostTaxRequest.class.php Data to pass to TaxServiceSoap#commitTax.
The request must specify all of CompanyCode, DocCode, and DocType in order to uniquely identify the document.
PostTaxResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxServiceSoap#postTax.
ReconcileTaxHistoryRequest.class.php Data to pass to TaxServiceSoap#reconcileTaxHistory(ReconcileTaxHistoryRequest)
ReconcileTaxHistoryResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxServiceSoap#reconcileTaxHistory.
SearchTaxHistoryResult.class.php Result data returned from TaxSvcSoap#reconcileTaxHistory. This class encapsulates the data and methods used by ReconcileTaxHistoryResult.
ServiceMode.class.php Specifies the ServiceMode.
This is only supported by AvaLocal servers. It provides the ability to controls whether tax is calculated locally or remotely when using an AvaLocal server. The default is Automatic which calculates locally unless remote is necessary for non-local addresses
TaxDetail.class.php Holds calculated tax information by jurisdiction.
TaxLine.class.php Contains Tax data; Retunded form AddressServiceSoap#getTax; Also part of the GetTaxRequest result returned from the TaxServiceSoap#getTax tax calculation service;
TaxRequest.class.php Abstract base class for all CancelTax,GetTaxHistory,PostTax, Service Requests. Tax Requests require either a DocId, or CompanyCode, DocType, and DocCode.
TaxServiceSoap.class.php Proxy interface for the Avalara Tax Web Service. It contains methods that perform remote calls to the Avalara Tax Service.
TaxServiceSoap reads its configuration values from static variables defined in ATConfig.class.php. This file must be properly configured with your security credentials.
$taxService = new TaxServiceSoap(); $result = $taxService->ping();
TaxType.class.php The Type of the tax.